Wednesday, June 11, 2008

18 months!

Morgan had a great 18-month check-up last Friday. Everything looked great, according to the doctor, and she's growing like crazy! She was 32.5 inches tall (75%) and 25 lbs 11.5 oz (70%). Which means, in the past 3 months, she's grown 2 inches and gained 2.5 lbs. Also, she is only an inch away from the height that Macy measured at 2 years old!

Morgan has been full of all sorts of surprises this week. Right at 18 months, she decided that she wanted to start to use some words. To start, she finally decided to try to say "more", rather than using the sign for it. That was our first exciting start to this new phase, and these are some of the others she has been trying out this week: socks, shoes, dog, duck, baby, bye bye, kiss (and several more I can't remember at this point.) On Monday, on the drive home from Grandma & Grandpa's, Macy played a "repeat after me" game with Morgan, and had her attempting to say all sorts of things. Very exciting for us all...especially when screaming has been her main form of communication over this past month!

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